Top Hiding Places for your Springfree Trampoline Surprise!
min read

Nothing beats a great surprise trampoline reveal on Christmas morning. It's so beautiful to see the big grins, the surprised delight and of course, to hear the squeals and giggles of excitement!
To help you keep your Christmas surprise alive, we've put together some Christmas hiding spot suggestions for your Springfree!
But before we reveal our Top Hiding Places, be sure to order your trampoline in plenty of time to avoid the Christmas rush and guarantee you have the surprise to hide!
We also recommend knowing exactly where you’re going to hide the boxes before you head off to pick up your order from your nearest Springfree Experience Centre or sign for delivery! This helpful chart will give you an idea of how much room you’ll need to hide and lift your trampoline packaging.
How much hiding space will you need?
Keep in mind, Springfree boxes are brown but they do have an image of the trampoline on them! So keep an eye out for that delivery man and make sure inquisitive eyes are away from the front door. Top Tip: Have some large stickers or paper ready so you can cover up those trampoline images straight away!
Here are our Top 8 Hiding Places:
1. In the garage or the shed
The ideal spot for the boxes is in the garden shed or garage, but make sure you cover them with a tarp or an old sheet. Then put a few things in front of the boxes; even add some old stuff that’s been around for a while on top so the kids don’t suspect that there’s something new and exciting underneath! Never forget how good these little eyes are at finding (and ruining) those hidden pressies.
2. Ask the neighbour
We love this one! It’s the perfect time of year to call in that favour from your friendly neighbour. Ask them if you can store the boxes in their garage or shed - and remember to cover them up just in case the kids go for a visit.
3. The boat or caravan
If you have someone who can help you lift the boxes into the boat or caravan (and you’re not planning a camping or fishing trip between now and Christmas) this might be another good option for a secret hiding spot.
4. Grandma & Grandad's house
Most grandparents have a little extra space to help keep the Springfree secret until Christmas day (or Christmas eve), in fact they’ll probably love joining in on the secret!
5. Up in the roof
Most of us forget we even have space in our roof! But this space can make the perfect hiding spot – just be sure to check the weight for safe lifting!
6. Wrap it Early
It sounds obvious, but wrapping your Springfree Trampoline boxes as soon as they arrive will ensure the kids won't see the surprise before you're ready. All the above hiding places still apply, but you'll know you're safe and secure by wrapping it! And the best thing – the kids won't guess there's a huge trampoline in those compact, flat-packed boxes! You can wrap it with Christmas wrapping paper, or a cheap alternative like brown butcher's paper or newspaper.
An alternative is to cover the box pictures and writing with big stickers, or big pieces of paper - so they won't know what they're looking at if they do see a big brown box somewhere.
7. In Plain View (Under Cover of Night).
For the ultimate reveal on Christmas morning, setting up your Springfree on Christmas Eve is a sure way to get the ultimate reaction from your kids (and ensure they can get bouncing straight away)! If you get a few mates around to help put your Springfree up after the kids have gone to bed, or leave the kids with family during the day, you'll have little trouble keeping the kids away from the backyard until Christmas morning.
8. Use Shifting Wheels
Our Springfree Trampoline Shifting Wheels make moving your trampoline around easy! If you have an inconspicuous area in the backyard, and can find about 3 hours spare to set it up while the kids are away, you can assemble your Springfree then wheel it away into a hidden area until it's time for the big reveal. Add some tarps or big sheets to cover it for added safety. On Christmas morning, or late on Christmas leave while everyone is asleep, you can wheel your Springfree back into place!
Happy hiding! It’ll be worth the surprise on Christmas morning!